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Showing posts from April, 2017

Stuck standing next to the Wagon

So I'm still in a funk. It's strange. Nothing bad is happening. I don't have any problems holding me back. My relationship with my husband is solid. My dog's medial treatments are going well. The bills are paid. We have no problem meeting our needs. I love my job. I'm just.... blah. I go to work, have fun there, come home talk with my husband, have dinner, play with the dog and go to bed. Or on days off I do the laundry, catch up on TV, play with the dog, surf the net. Oh. And think about how I should be out running. There's always that. I think and talk a good game but can't get my ass up off the couch to do it. The weather is nice. There's a great walking/running trail near my home. I have the time. Not the motivation. I'm not motivated to do anything that I usually love. I'm not writing, I'm not crafting, I'm not cooking, I'm not doing anything. I can't put my finger on why. If I could pinpoint i...

Step back and breathe

Things have not gotten any better for me emotionally. I got the official "we're going another direction" from one place where I did three interviews and am just past a week of no word from another place where I've done four interviews. I've still been getting some decent hours at the store, but full time minimum wage doesn't go far. We've resorted to carrying a balance on our credit card, for essentials only- groceries, gas, vet bills for the pup. I've thrown myself into to-do lists and trying to keep everything as perfect as possible, even if the money isn't there. I've had a 30-40 hour work week, plus repeat vet visits for the pup's heartworm treatments, and on top of that have been trying to tackle everything hearth and home on my own. When I was working once or twice a week I told my husband (who works 40+ hours a week in law enforcement) that I would take care of the apartment since I was home with plenty of time on my hands. ...