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Showing posts from September, 2018

Food Journal to Process Food Addiction

A little over a month ago, I started a food journal. I would jot down what I was eating on a given day to get a handle on what I was doing to myself. I started out just eating normally and got a base line. I didn’t want to make the food journal a chore or something I over-thought, so I literally would just make note of the food, not worrying about serving amounts or calories. I didn’t want to turn it into a science project or algebra problem. It’d be as simple as: Wednesday: Waffles with syrup Black coffee Pasta with spinach and mushrooms Apple Pizza Lots of water It was something I could do once a day, or even be able to keep up with every other day and still get an accurate account of what I was eating. I’d put in there eating habits I was proud of “didn’t eat the brownies in the break room” and “convinced myself not to buy candy from the vending machine”. I also, about once a week, used it as an actual journal writing about what was going on at work, at home, jus...

Stress Week- But Focus on the Silver Lining

This week has been insanely frustrating and hectic. WEDNESDAY It started out perfect with a nice kickboxing class. It was practically a private lesson there was just me and one other person in the class. It was like my first lesson with lots of personal attention. It was a great workout and I felt awesome afterwards. Then, I got in my car and it wouldn’t start. It wasn’t even trying to turn over. I just got the battery and the battery cables replaced and I was hoping it was the starter. When I got it to start I drove it straight to the mechanic. We were a little freaked out about the millions of things that could be wrong and the thousands of dollars it could cost so we cancelled our planned trip to Costco and just hung out at home and watched Iron Fist season 2 (which is so much better than season 1, by the way). Meanwhile, our yard is insanely overgrown, and I’ve been messaging our lawn service without getting responses. At this point in our lawn saga, we’ve hired a la...

Switching Up the Schedule

Monday, I started my new job. Even though I’m just at a different location of the same store there’s a lot to learn and re-learn. I used to work at the Flagship location which is literally 4.5x the size of my new location with 5x the employees. I “knew” this going in, but I know realize I didn’t understand what that meant. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy I made the change. I know this is the right move for my career, but it’s a bit of a shock of the system. The flow of the store is different. The customer base is different. Plus, I’m now a manager. I’m only two days in, so a lot can change. But so far so good. The best part is my new commute! I have all this free time and, to be honest, right now it’s making me a little fidgety. I’m not quite sure what to do. Over the last year, because my commute made for 12 days, I’d do a week’s worth of household chores in a single day. The rest of the week I’d be too tired, or too time strapped, to do a load of laundry after work or vacuu...

New Job and New Opportunities

Big changes are coming starting tomorrow. I have gotten a new job. I’ll be with the same company, but I got a promotion that included a move to a different location. The good news is a) I got a promotion b) I get an immediate raise now plus another one after six months and- the one I’m most excited about- c) I am getting back a minimum of one and a half hours back per day! The location I worked at up until yesterday was a forty-five minute with not traffic drive. Because the cardinal rule at this place is DO NOT EVER BE LATE I always left my house an hour and a half early, except on days when I opened when I left two hours early because of rush hour. My new location is ten minutes away with perfect traffic, so I’ll probably allow half an hour. Not only is the commute better, but so are the hours. The store closes an hour earlier Monday-Saturday and opens two hours later and closes three hours earlier on Sundays. I’m not going to know what to do with myself. Actually, I will...

Class Number 2 and Still Loving Kickboxing!

Last night was class number two at I went last Friday for my first class and holy heck did it kick my butt. I loved almost every second of class number one (the cardio warm up is a killer), but when I woke up Saturday morning I WAS SORE!! My legs were all kinds of stiff and no amount of pain reliever was going to make a difference. At work that night my manager noticed I was walking stiffly and came by to make sure I was okay. Wednesday was my first pain/stiffness/soreness free day after my Friday class. I super wanted to go back to class Wednesday night, but my sis-in-law (who lives across the country) was in town for a one night only appearance on her way somewhere else. Not going to lie, there was a huge part of me that wanted to go to kickboxing. Which I know makes that huge part of me a terrible person. But, my siblings-in-law are all awesome and I went to dinner with them and got to spend time with someone I only see once or twice a year. I’m glad I d...