Monday, I started my new job. Even though I’m just at a different location of the same store there’s a lot to learn and re-learn. I used to work at the Flagship location which is literally 4.5x the size of my new location with 5x the employees. I “knew” this going in, but I know realize I didn’t understand what that meant.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy I made the change. I know this is the right move for my career, but it’s a bit of a shock of the system. The flow of the store is different. The customer base is different. Plus, I’m now a manager. I’m only two days in, so a lot can change. But so far so good.
The best part is my new commute! I have all this free time and, to be honest, right now it’s making me a little fidgety. I’m not quite sure what to do. Over the last year, because my commute made for 12 days, I’d do a week’s worth of household chores in a single day. The rest of the week I’d be too tired, or too time strapped, to do a load of laundry after work or vacuum the house before I left for the day. The new schedule will allow for crossing an item or two off the To-Do list before or after work. It will allow for going to the gym or going for a run.
It’s also going to allow for a much more consistent sleep schedule. At my old location, depending on if I was opening, closing, or midday, I had alarms set from anywhere from 6:00 am to 10:45 am. I’d get home anywhere from 5:30 pm to 12:15 am. Now I have one alarm set for 7:00 am. Every night I can get to bed between 10:00 and 11:00 pm. That schedule allows for opening, midship, and closing. It allows for a kickboxing class. It allows for writing time. It allows for consistent sleep.
My body is all kinds of confused right now. Waking up and not being in a rush to get to work it almost disorienting. Part of me keeps thinking about just going back to bed, but I know that in a couple weeks I’ll be used to the new schedule.
Yesterday, on my day off, I got up and went to a kickboxing class. I went about the rest of my day but ended up taking a nap for about an hour in the afternoon. I still crashed hard around 10:30. But, at 7:00 am I got up again this morning and now here I am getting stuff checked off the To Do List.
I am genuinely optimistic about things right now. I know it’s going to take time to figure all this out, but I’m ready to get it going.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy I made the change. I know this is the right move for my career, but it’s a bit of a shock of the system. The flow of the store is different. The customer base is different. Plus, I’m now a manager. I’m only two days in, so a lot can change. But so far so good.
The best part is my new commute! I have all this free time and, to be honest, right now it’s making me a little fidgety. I’m not quite sure what to do. Over the last year, because my commute made for 12 days, I’d do a week’s worth of household chores in a single day. The rest of the week I’d be too tired, or too time strapped, to do a load of laundry after work or vacuum the house before I left for the day. The new schedule will allow for crossing an item or two off the To-Do list before or after work. It will allow for going to the gym or going for a run.
It’s also going to allow for a much more consistent sleep schedule. At my old location, depending on if I was opening, closing, or midday, I had alarms set from anywhere from 6:00 am to 10:45 am. I’d get home anywhere from 5:30 pm to 12:15 am. Now I have one alarm set for 7:00 am. Every night I can get to bed between 10:00 and 11:00 pm. That schedule allows for opening, midship, and closing. It allows for a kickboxing class. It allows for writing time. It allows for consistent sleep.
My body is all kinds of confused right now. Waking up and not being in a rush to get to work it almost disorienting. Part of me keeps thinking about just going back to bed, but I know that in a couple weeks I’ll be used to the new schedule.
Yesterday, on my day off, I got up and went to a kickboxing class. I went about the rest of my day but ended up taking a nap for about an hour in the afternoon. I still crashed hard around 10:30. But, at 7:00 am I got up again this morning and now here I am getting stuff checked off the To Do List.
I am genuinely optimistic about things right now. I know it’s going to take time to figure all this out, but I’m ready to get it going.
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