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Trying something

I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and overrun these days. There’s the typical holiday season nonsense happening, some exciting stuff, and some this-is-what-happens-as-you-get-older stuff.  A couple of things will pass with time (hosting two separate family get-togethers back to back), some of it will come with time (my father-in-law moving in), some of it is unavoidable (12-year-old cars just have issues), and one thing has the potential to start me down a path I’ve always wanted to be on (a publisher accepting a book proposal).

Overwhelmed doesn’t have to be because of negative things.

Overall what it’s boiling down to is I’m feeling out of control.

So, naturally, I’m taking steps to get myself feeling more in control.

I’m a To-Do List veteran, and over the years have perfected my system. Do I always get everything done? Nope. But it helps me keep track of things.

Keeping on top of the must-be-done items is something I’ve gotten pretty good at. I very rarely hit an “Oh shit!” and forget to do something.  

But, despite all that I’m still feeling like life is more than I can fully grasp right now.

The first thing I did was take an annual event off my list and I am not doing NaNoWriMo this year. Usually, I’m typing away obsessively doing everything I can to get that word count.  I enjoy the challenge and typically look forward to the tradition. As a matter of fact, last year I made a special NaNoWriMo display at the bookstore I work at.  This year, I’m taking that energy and focusing it on getting ready for double Christmas.

Speaking of work, while pricing some merchandise last week I came across a book that grabbed my attention and gave me an idea. It’s called Organize now! By Jennifer Ford Berry.  It bills itself as “A week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life.”  Which, is exactly what I feel like I need. It was one of those the-heavens-open-up-and-angels-sing moments.

The book is separated into 56 to-do-lists and suggestions, covering a 56-week plan to get things done and under control.  I like the simplicity and long term goal.  Will I trying cover one list a week every week for 56 weeks? Probably not. I know me. I’ll have a hectic week or a depressive episode.  But it’ll be easy to pick up where I left off.

I’ve made myself goal of completing the book by my birthday in 2021 and I started this week.

The first week (and it looks like the first several weeks) is more reflective exercises and intended to get you to reflect on what you really want and what you want to accomplish. Then, I’m guessing based on my perusing through the book, as you move forward you keep those goals and priorities in mind.

The first questions I was asked were if you could do anything….

Where would you live? -Somewhere urban

What would you do to earn income? -Write

What would your days look like? -Relaxed and unstructured

What would you do for fun? – Run

What would you do more of?- Downtime

What would you do less of? – Cleaning

And then, IMHO most importantly, what do I want to accomplish within the next 56 weeks?  I went with three goals: to get promoted to Assistant Manager, get one book published, and lose weight (I should probably come up with a specific amount.)

The rest of the week’s exercise was a list of suggestions on small changes I can start to make now to work towards those goals and center myself.  One suggestion was to-do lists (check check check) and another was to start a journal. I know I won’t write in a journal every day. I did back in college, but as of right now I don’t feel like I have the mental capacity of focusing on it.  I did, however, see that suggestion as a way to get me back into this blog.

I have no delusions of this blog becoming some sort of money maker or life-changing exercise- but maybe everyone now and again this blog will be exactly what someone needs to read in order to move forward in something themselves.


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