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Plantar Fasciitis and Regerts

After a crazy holiday season logging overtime on my feet at the store I developed Plantar Fasciitis. To quote the Mayo Clinic "Plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). Plantar fasciitis commonly causes stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. As you get up and move more, the pain normally decreases, but it might return after long periods of standing or after rising from sitting."

It was most likely caused, in my case, from prolonged standing at work and wearing old shoes. Like when it happened last time, when I get up in the morning I hobble like an old person and it takes about half an hour of old person hobbling to work my way back to a normal stride. It sucks, it hurts like hell, and I had to keep going to work and being on my feet for ten hours at a go. When Christmas came around I had two days off of work, but was still busy with family obligations and wasn't able to be off my feet as much as I needed to.

One of the best ways to treat PF is rest, stretching, rest, and staying off your feet as much as possible. Last week I got a good stretch of days off in a row, time to get to the store, and time to rest. I grabbed some Dr. Scholl's heel inserts designed for PF, and the relief was nearly instant. I kept off my feet as much as possible (I was exhausted so I welcomed the sleep and vegging) and over the course of three days worked down from ridiculous pain, to horrible pain, to uncomfortable, and finally to aching. It was glorious. My heels still hurt every morning, but by the time I made it to the kitchen I was able to walk normally.

Several people in one of my Facebook running groups recommended rolling as another form of relief. Luckily my dog has no idea how to play with the toys he got for Christmas so I have re-purposed his new fetch balls as massage rollers for me. I've never tried rolling and man do I feel like a fool for not giving it a try before! I'm not sure how I'd roll out larger muscle groups, but hot damn my feet felt better after. Between the rest, the inserts, and the rolling I'd made my way down the pain-scale to aching.

Then, winter showed up in DFW. There was snow. There was ice. There was work. I grabbed my snow boots (really more for warmth and traction on ice than traipsing through snow, it was just a light dusting) and off to work I went.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

So now here I am, with a grand PF flair up and "regerts". I'm back to rest and rolling and I'm kicking myself because I had grand plans to hit the gym while hubby was at work and either do a group class or at least get in a run on a treadmill since it's cold outside and I'm a weak Texan who can't take just below freezing temperatures. I've got several days off and I'm going to do it right.

I've rolled twice already today. I've got supportive shoes on. I've got the recline couch all reclined, iced tea in hand, doggy snoring next to me, BBC shows queued up on Netflix, and I have a goal of being healed up in time for Zumba on Wednesday.


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