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When Fandoms Collide: Harry Potter and the Sorting of SG-1

It is firmly established in my head-cannon that Harry Potter exists in the universe of Stargate. I love the idea that Jennifer Keller packed up her copies as her allowable personal items when she gated to Atlantis. Her books, along with several other Airmen and Marines’ copies got lent around the base spreading the famous Earth story across the Pegasus Galaxy. Of course, back in the dear old Milky Way the SGC, the Alpha site, and probably a few field packs have worn, beat-up copies traveling with devoted fans.

And who doesn’t love the idea of retired Gen. O’Neill secretly loving the books but refusing to admit it because he spent so many years making fun of his beloved nerds of SG-1.

What child of the newly freed Jaffa wouldn’t feel a connection to the story of children who grew up with the looming threat, and eventual war with, an evil ruler their parents helped overthrow a generation before?

Or maybe I’m hung up on the idea of my favorite TV characters loving my favorite book characters just as much as I do. I sat SG-1 down to put on the sorting hat and here are the results.

“You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart…”

SG-1’s most obvious Gryffindor is none other than the Captain Doctor herself, Samantha Carter. Sam has never shied away from a challenge, thought she couldn’t do it, or been scared to put in the hard work. Any young kid who grows up dreaming of joining NASA and shooting off to the stars has serious bravery running through their veins. Plus, she blew up a sun…tell me that doesn’t take ample amounts of nerve.

Carter is not alone in the Gryffindor common room. Mitchell has proved time and again that he has the heart of a lion. He has enough guts to go straight for the glory of leading up SG-1 the flagship team that started it all. And when presented with the reality that the heroes he wanted to join where all going their separate ways he did not take it lying down. He stood up, made his move, and made sure that the right thing happened and SG-1 stayed together where they belonged. He proved his bravery before even making it to the SGC by becoming an Air Force pilot, just like his father, despite the evidence of life changing danger associated with the job.

“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil…”

I can’t help it, O’Neill screams ‘Puff to me. The man is not afraid to work for what he wants, what he sees as right, and once you’ve won his loyalty he will have your back for life. Plus, we all know Hufflepuffs love their food and is it not their fearless leader Jack who is always willing to remind us when it was time for lunch and always found a reason to include cake?

“Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind…”

I doubt anyone will argue this one. Of course, Dannyboy is our resident Ravenclaw. He epitomizes every stereotypical characteristic associated with the house. Daniel Jackson is the guy who finds the one book in a room full of literal treasure. He’s a perpetual student of life who absolutely lights up whenever the opportunity to learn presents itself.

Our other wise old SG-1 member is Jonas Quinn. Jonas reveled in the opportunity to travel the galaxy with SG-1, and by the time he officially got to join the team he had practically memorized the journals and notes of his predecessor. Jonas was such a kindred spirit to Daniel that he seemed to have no problem deciphering Daniel’s process, notes, and thoughts when the Sam and Jacob Carter combined had a hard time figuring out what Daniel’s scribbles meant.

“Or perhaps in Slytherin you’ll make your real friends. Those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends…”

Teal’s is a perfect example of how being a Slytherin does not automatically make you an evil wizard, or alien. Teal’c has the ambition to see an out in a generations long scheme of oppression. He is willing to sacrifice his reputation, his life, and his family name to do what is right. He is patient, cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes to see his vision of a better future come to fruition.

Vala is our second Slytherin. I feel this is another inarguable sorting. Vala goes to whatever extremes necessary to achieve what she feels needs to be done. She is not above using others, when necessary, to come out on top. I feel Vala is also the perfect example of the Slytherin living up to, or down to, her house’s reputation. Many Slytherins feel misunderstood and maligned because of their extreme ambition and cunning. She may have been leaning towards the Death Eater side, but as soon as someone she cared about showed trust and belief in her she used her ambition and cunning to join the Order of the SGC and fight the good fight.

What do you think? Is Jack clearly a Gryffindor? Is Daniel too much of a ‘puff for his own good? Is Mitchell a closet Ravenclaw? Let’s compare notes!


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