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Blogtober #5: Education

I guess I’m getting 5 points off for handing this in a day late. Thursdays are very weird days for me. I open the store, but husband has the day off. Also, at this point, I haven’t actually seen husband since Monday night, or even Sunday morning because our schedules diverge so wildly. Thursday night is our un-offical weekly date night. We go out to dinner when I get home and just spend time together. But anyway, onto the topic at hand.


I was one of those people that really enjoyed school. I was very fortunate that from kindergarten to a bachelor’s degree I had less than a half dozen “bad” teachers. I had several super supportive teachers who really encouraged me and helped me recognize where my talents lay and pushed me to work at it.

As I’ve moved on into the full-time adult portion of my life I’ve found that I’m always attracted to an opportunity to learn more. My first reaction to any new interest is to study it, read about it, google it, find documentaries on it… When an old boss of mind off handedly mentioned that she felt that I was being required to do more paralegal work than what I was actually meant to be doing, I found out about a training program and asked her if I should do it. I have a paralegal certificate that I don’t use now (I was not cut out for the legal world) but I do not regret all those night classes, test, papers, and late nights studying because the topic was interesting and I learned some cool stuff.

Several of my cowokers at the book store are in college working towards degrees and I get a twinge of jealously when I hear about the classes they’re taking and the projects they are working on. I’m sure they are totally burnt out going to school fulltime and working fulltime but I want to take classes. I feel like I’m in my zone when I’m reading and taking notes.

I’m a total Ravenclaw. I’m the nerd that always carries a book and a notebook everywhere she goes. Who watches documentaries about Egyptologist of the late 1800s, the linguistic roots of modern translations of ancient documents. Who tries to learn new languages for fun (I’m no good at learning languages but I keep trying as if I just need to find the *right* foreign language to learn). The nerd who gets distracted by the written word so easily that I read every table tent at a restaurant, the back of every cereal box, the shampoo bottle, billboards….


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